- The client will be liable for payment of the full fee if the client cancels the appointment within 24 hours of the scheduled test(s), a subject does not show up for a test or a subject refuse to be tested on the day of the test.
- If an appointment is cancelled with more than 24 hours notice before the appointment, a full refund less banking and payment gateway transaction fees will be offered.
- No refunds will be offered if testing is required at a client premises and the testing venue is found unsuitable for testing by the examiner. It is at the sole discretion of the examiner to determine suitability of the venue. In such cases, tests procured by the client may be transferred to testing at the offices of Biodetect Polygrapgh Services in Bloemfontein.
- No refunds will be offered if a client disputes the test results or obtain alternative test results from a competitor truth verification examiner.
- No refunds will be offered if evidence/facts/circumstances emerge which contradicts the findings of the test.