- Rates based on tests conducted in Bloemfontein. Please contact us for rates outside Bloemfontein.
- Full upfront payment is required to secure the booking.
- The client will be liable for payment of the full fee if the client cancels the appointment within 24 hours of the scheduled test(s), a subject does not show up for a test or a subject refuse to be tested on the day of the test. In the event where the client cancels the appointment outside 24 hours before the test is scheduled, a refund will be offered less actual charges incurred from our Online Payment gateway (PayFast) and/or our Bank.
- Tests will be conducted using AVSAPRO Voice Polygraph Technology which is a proprietary Voice Stress Detection system. AVSAPRO utilizes Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networking technologies to process and automatically score verbal responses provided by the subject. When used together with validated question constructs, sound training and adherence to rigid testing protocols, AVSAPRO will deliver results that are reliable and trustworthy. AVSAPRO requires no uncomfortable sensors to be placed on the person to be tested, apart from a standard headset microphone. The testing process is thus faster, less invasive and less intimidating. Additionally there are no known countermeasures to defeat the test, apart from not answering the questions.
- Conventional Biofeedback Polygraph Tests ustilizing Stoelting CPS Pro Fusion Instrument and Software is available on special request and / or in cases where the eximiner deems this type of test more suitable based on the individual case at hand..
- The examiner reserves the right to chose the technology/software to be used for the test as well as the test questions and test scoring methodology.
- Tests will be conducted according to internationally accepted testing protocols and in alignment with the code of ethics of the South African Biofeedback Polygraph & Voice Stress Association (SAPAVSA).
- Tests may be conducted in English or Afrikaans. No interpreter service is available.
- The person to be tested must consent in writing to be tested and is free to terminate the test at any stage during the test.
- The person to be tested must be well rested and should not have consumed any alcohol or drugs which may cause mental/physical impairment.
- Tests will be conducted at our Bloemfontein offices which are set up and equiped specifically for distraction free testing.
- In the event where testing needs to be conducted at the clients premises, a suitable, clean, private office free from external noise or distractions with a standard sized desk and 2 non-swivel chairs as well as a power supply should be available. In the event where the examiner deems the venue not suitable for testing on the day of the test, the test will be terminated and the client will remain responsible for payment of the invoice.
- Test results will be made available in writing upon completion of a quality check and after receipt of full payment.
- No verbal test results will be given to clients.
It is recommended that the client seek professional legal opinion should the results of this truth verification test be required for civil, criminal or labour matters. The results of this test will not constitute sufficient evidence on its own in these matters. Please note that a truth verification instrument and software is merely a tool to indicate levels of physiological response (stress) to relevant questions pertaining to a matter and there may be various factors which influences stress displayed. As such, truth verification results should only be used as an investigative tool to focus further investigations into the matter at hand or as supporting evidence to other evidence gathered during an investigation. Biodetect Polygraph Services, its members and examiners will not accept any legal liability for incorrect use of the contents of this report or any actions resulting from the findings in any test.